Matthew's News and Gossip: It has been way too long

Matthew's News and Gossip

A man with no talent, but armed with a digital camera, can waste lots of bandwidth

Thursday, June 09, 2005


It has been way too long

Way way too long since I posted here. The main news is that I have recently been off to Europe but before that there was chillin' in Napa with the lovely Amanda. More pics here.

Amanda hanging in the vines

Then I had my 500th (month) birthday party. Quite a few ravers showed up, and only one bottle was thrown (at us from the next door high rise!). More party pics here

Me with a few admirers; Well I was 500!

I got in a couple of stiff hikes with KT. Pacifica here; Marin here

KT overlooking Pacific(a)

Then there was a wild rafting trip. This as the annual Joe and Matthew bash. Poor Heidi fell in on her first ever rapid--and it was really cold! Here's the full rafting set.

Rafting types: Anne, Anneli, Stephen and Patrick

Finally I went off to Utah to see Regina,

Redhead poses in forest

and do a little cave visiting and flying. Here's all the Utah pics (lots of them!). And here's a video of me taking off! (Download will be long on that one)

Flying off Point of the Mountain

And then I went to Europe....but that's another photoblog.
posted by matthew  # 12:01 PM
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